Friday, March 5, 2010

What's Animal Farm?

This past week we read the first chapter of Animal Farm in our class. The story is mainly about animals in a farm that hate their leader and want to do something about it. We learned that the leader of the animals was a domesticated boar named Old Major. He wanted everyone to support him in the idea of revolting. The followers were a raven, 3 horses, 3 pigs and a cat. We also know that the farmer, Mr Jones, is a heavy alcoholic drinker. The idea of this story is closely related to the russian revolution. Sadly three days later after his inspiring speech, Old Major dies peacefully in his sleep. This story reminds me of the revolutions that have happen in history such as the American Revolution. It ties with the fact that Britain treats us in a negative manner. Same thing in the animals from the story. What will happen next, well we will find out while we read chapter 2.